
Cassandra Pegg-Kirby, Women's Center

Cassandra Pegg-Kirby, Women's Center, and Susan V. Iverson, co-authored a section of a book, "Seeking Relevance in an Age of Inequity: A Case Study of the Identity Struggle of One Women's Center," University and College Women's and Gender Equity Centers: The Changing Landscape, 1st Edition, (New York, NY: Routledge) Brenda Bethman, Anitra Cottledge, and Donna M. Bickford, (Eds.), (2019), 87-96.

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CJ Venable, College of Communication and Information

CJ Venable, College of Communication and Information, Kyle Inselman and Nick Thuot, co-authored a section of a book, "Negotiating Fit while 'Misfit': Three Ways Trans Professionals Navigate Student Affairs," Debunking the Myth of Job Fit in Higher Education and Student Affairs, 1st Edition, (Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing), Brian J. Reece, Vu T. Tran, Elliott N. DeVore, & Gabby Porcaro, (Eds.), (2019), 167-192.

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Trevor Watkins, University Libraries, presented "Applying The Open Knowledge Diffusion Tools Framework to Cybersecurity Courses" at OpenCon New York on Oct. 26, 2018.

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