Students, both undergraduate and graduate, are of primary concern to all faculty members, and students' academic needs are of primary importance to the Campus. Students participate in various Campus committees including the Student Academic Complaint Committee, and those ad hoc committees where students' viewpoints are useful and appropriate. Student appointments to committees are made by the Dean in consultation with the FC Chair and the faculty members involved in and affected by a specific committee's work.
At the Tuscarawas Campus, appointed advisers carry out academic advising. In addition, Associate Degree Program Coordinators and selected faculty of associate and bachelor鈥檚 degree programs may serve as advisers for their respective disciplines. The list of advisers is available from the Assistant Dean.
Student Academic Misconduct
The University鈥檚 Administrative policy regarding student cheating and plagiarism is included in the University Policy Register.
Student Grievances and Academic Complaints
The University鈥檚 policies and procedures that govern student grievances and student academic complaints are included in the University Policy Register.
Transfer Credit Procedure
Department chairs/school directors are responsible for the evaluation of undergraduate transfer credit and may consult with a faculty member who teaches the specific course or courses at issue. Questions of transfer credit for other subject areas should be referred to the academic college office. Graduate transfer credit is evaluated according to the process described in the current Graduate School Catalog. Both master鈥檚 and doctoral transfer credit may be accepted if the criteria are met and the student's adviser, the Graduate Studies Committee, and the academic college dean approve the transfer credit.
Privacy of Student Records
All faculty members must comply with all laws and University Policies, which govern the privacy of student education records, including but not limited to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). These regulations require, among other things, that faculty members keep thorough academic records and forbid the posting of grades by name, social security number or any other system, which might identify a student with her/his education record. For further information, contact the University鈥檚 Office of General Counsel.
Course Surveys of Instruction
At the Tuscarawas Campus, course surveys for each course are distributed to each faculty member to be administered during the last two (2) weeks of each semester or in the last week of summer sessions. A written statement is included in the survey packets to be read to each class prior to giving the evaluations. The faculty member is not to be present in the classroom during the evaluation. The evaluations are to be collected by a student in the class or by some other independent observer and delivered to the Assistant Dean鈥檚 office in Founders Hall. Completed course surveys are not available to individual faculty members until after grades are submitted to the Registrar. Course surveys for the Tuscarawas Campus faculty are distributed to the faculty by the campus Assistant Dean and a copy is maintained by the Assistant Dean鈥檚 Office.
Class Attendance
Regular class attendance is expected of all students of 性福五月天 University. Faculty members have the responsibility for managing student attendance. The faculty member鈥檚 policy regarding attendance for each course should be included in the course syllabus and communicated to students during the first week of the semester. In the event of a prolonged or unexplained absences from class, faculty members are encouraged to work with the Assistant Dean to determine reasons for absences and course of action to be followed.
Digest of Rules and Regulations
Faculty members should familiarize themselves with the University鈥檚 Digest of Rules and Regulations which is published annually and includes a collection of policies and procedures that affect students.
Final Exams
Final examinations in all courses must be offered at the time and date specified in the University鈥檚 schedule of final examinations. Changes of the time and/or date of a final examination require prior approval of the Campus Dean, but in any case, the exam must also be offered at the time scheduled and publicized by the University for those students who desire to take the exam at that time. Current Tuscarawas Campus practice permits students with three (3) or more final examinations on the same day to request the rescheduling of one (1) final examination.
Student proficiency in coursework is graded by letters, pluses and minuses, and assigned quality points (See Graduate and Undergraduate Catalogs for details). Other academic grades and administrative marks given are AU, IN, IP, NF, NR, SF, S, U, W, Y, and Z. For a definition of these designations, refer to the current University catalogs.
Faculty members must inform students of their progress throughout the semester. Grades are a faculty member's responsibility and should be assigned fairly and objectively. Submission of final grades must comply with University Policy, including but not limited to the deadline for the timely submission of grades. Failure of faculty members to provide grades in compliance with University Policy will be taken into consideration in reappointment, promotion, tenure and Faculty Excellence Awards decisions. Students have a right to inspect the written work performed during a course and discuss the grade with the faculty member. Grade book records used in determining grades should be retained by the faculty member for five (5) years after final grades are submitted.
Faculty members must enter student grades through Flashline at .
Midterm grades must be entered for students as mandated by University Policy. Faculty members must enter final grades at the end of the semester/summer session. Faculty will be notified of the available times for entering student grades.
Students may audit any course subject to space availability and approval of the Assistant Dean. Faculty members have the discretion to determine conditions and requirements for the audit.