Other Campus Guidelines
Distinguished Teaching Awards
The Tuscarawas County University Foundation each year presents a Distinguished Teaching Award (DTA) to one (1) full-time and one (1) part-time member of the Tuscarawas Campus faculty. The awards emphasize the importance placed on excellence in instruction at 性福五月天 Tuscarawas. Finalists will have their pictures posted inside the front entry of Founders Hall during the voting period and preceding the Awards Presentation. Winners receive a plaque and a monetary stipend provided by the Foundation. The awards are presented at the annual spring awards ceremony.
For purposes of the award, a 鈥渄istinguished teacher鈥 is defined as one who possesses a comprehensive knowledge of the subject matter, organizes and presents the subject matter effectively, stimulates thinking, develops understanding, demonstrates resourcefulness and arouses interest.
Nominations for the DTA will be solicited by the DTA Committee from September through the beginning of March. A committee of faculty, administrators, staff, students, and Foundation members will then meet to review all nominations and, based upon the criteria outlined in the preceding paragraph, determine the finalists for the award. Nominees who become finalists for the DTA are then notified, and the committee will further evaluate the finalists and determine the recipients. Possible finalist evaluation techniques used by the committee may include, but are not limited to, interview(s) with the person(s) making the nomination, a review of past student evaluation forms, short essay evaluation forms to be filled out by a current class or classes, peer reviews/interviews with members of the candidate鈥檚 department, and classroom observations by the committee. A finalist always has the option to withdraw his/her name from further consideration for the DTA.
After receiving the DTA, recipients are expected to serve on the DTA selection committee for the next three (3) years and chair this committee during their second year.
Office Assignments
The Campus Dean is responsible for the assignment of space, including faculty offices, in all Campus buildings. Faculty offices are normally assigned using a priority system based upon seniority, rank, highest earned degree and type of appointment. A point system incorporating these factors is applied and the Faculty Chair makes recommendations to the Campus Dean for the assignment of faculty offices. Faculty with higher office points may have the opportunity to move into offices occupied by those with lower points. Office changes may occur annually prior to the Fall semester. In the Spring semester, the Faculty Council Chair sends an office point verification notice to each faculty member. Faculty members must submit a corrected point notice to the FC Chair immediately or no changes in points will be assumed. Based on the point system, the Faculty Chair will then make recommendations to the Dean for specific office assignments.
- Point System
a. Seniority
1 point for each full-time year teaching at the Tuscarawas Campus
0.5 point for each full-time year teaching at other KSU campuses
Years of service are multiplied by the rank held during the service:
5 for Professor/Senior Lecturer
4 for Associate Professor/Associate Lecturer
3 for Assistant Professor/Lecturer
2 for Instructor
b. Rank
50 points for Professor/Senior Lecturer
40 points for Associate Professor/Associate Lecturer
30 points for Assistant Professor/Lecturer
c. Highest Degree Earned
25 points for a Ph.D.
15 points for a Master鈥檚 degree
5 points for a Bachelor鈥檚 degree
d. Full-time Contract
30 points for tenured
20 points for tenure-track
15 points for full-time non-tenure-track
The sum total of points in all areas determines the priority of assignment list which will serve as a reference when the Campus Dean assigns office space.
New Faculty members are assigned a tenured and senior Faculty mentor and new full-time non-tenure-track faculty are assigned a promoted full-time non-tenure-track faculty mentor by the Mentor Coordinator in their unit. Mentorship is presumed to continue through the probationary period of the mentee until tenure for Faculty members or until the second Full Performance Review for full-time non-tenure track faculty. Additionally, all probationary faculty in both units are encouraged to meet regularly with the appropriate Mentor Coordinator and utilize campus resources for mentoring.
Campus Organizational Chart
Recommended Syllabus Checklist
Consult with your mentor and/or colleagues on the Campus and in your department/school/independent college concerning requirements for your syllabus in addition to this brief advice. Remember that many people will be reviewing your syllabi: your students, the RTP Committee on the Tuscarawas Campus, the Campus Dean, evaluators from your department/school/independent college and university administrators at all levels. Some faculty provide syllabi with daily expectations; others prefer a more streamlined document, but students should be able to understand basic expectations.
Course Information
Course title, number, section number, credit hours, room number, semester, campus, and meeting times
Instructor Information
Name, title, office hours, and contact information
Textbook/s or relevant on-line information
Title, author, publisher, edition, ISBN number, year, web address
Course Description
Course Objectives
Learning Objectives
Learning Outcomes
Topics and Chapters covered, by date
Evaluation of learning: exams, quizzes, reports, homework, projects, etc.
Grade computation
Attendance and/or timely performance expectations
Incomplete grades
Policy regarding missed work or classroom activities
Other Suggestions
Confidentiality statement (FERPA)
Strategies to help improve performance
Notice of Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights
Conduct/class behavior
Policy on cell phones and other electronic devices
Extra credit projects (if any)
Class participation
Teaching style
Use of technology
Academic Dishonesty: plagiarism and cheating
Academic Complaints
Withdrawal Dates
Disability Statement
The following items should help you better understand both the Tuscarawas Campus Handbook and other University documents. This glossary is not all-inclusive, so you may need to direct specific questions to the Campus, academic department/school/independent college or academic college offices, as needed.
AAC 鈥 Academic Affairs Committee is a standing committee for the Tuscarawas Campus.
Academic College 鈥 An academic college is made up of departments and/or schools (e.g., the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of the Arts, the College of Education, Health and Human Services).
Academic Unit 鈥 As used in this handbook, the Kent Campus department/school/independent college (e.g., Chemistry, Philosophy, History, Technology).
Ad hoc Committees 鈥 The Campus Dean may establish ad hoc Faculty committees and those which consist of other faculty members at any time.
Adjunct Faculty 鈥 Part-time faculty.
ALC 鈥 Academic Learning Commons Committee is a standing committee on the Tuscarawas Campus
AP 鈥 The University鈥檚 Administrative Policies and Procedures as appear in the University Policy Register.
Association 鈥 American Association of University Professors, 性福五月天 Chapter (AAUP-KSU).
CAC 鈥 The College Advisory Committee is a Faculty governance body that advises the dean of the academic college on reappointment, tenure, promotion and other issues as described in the Collective Bargaining Agreement .
CBA 鈥 The Collective Bargaining Agreement negotiated between the Association and 性福五月天 University. Separate CBAs govern the employment relationships of Faculty and full-time non-tenure-track Faculty with the University.
CEC 鈥 Community Engagement Committee is a standing committee on the Tuscarawas Campus.
Digest of Rules and Regulations 鈥 A collection of the University policies and procedures that most directly affect students (http://www.kent.edu/emsa/ombuds.cfm ).
ECC 鈥 Electronic Communications Committee is a standing committee on the Tuscarawas Campus.
FAC 鈥 Faculty Affairs Committee is a standing committee on the Tuscarawas Campus.
Faculty 鈥 All full-time faculty members that hold tenured or tenure-track appointments.
faculty 鈥 All full-time faculty members.
FC - Faculty Council is a Faculty governance body on each Regional Campus. The FC is comprised of 11 members as described in Section 1 of this Handbook and advises the Campus Dean on reappointment, tenure, promotion and other issues as described in the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
FTNTT Faculty 鈥 Full-time non-tenure-track faculty hired on an annual basis.
Junior faculty 鈥 All Assistant Professors and Lecturers.
OP 鈥 The University鈥檚 Operating Policies and Procedures that appear in the University Policy Register.
ORC - The Ohio Revised Code.
Promoted FTNTT 鈥 All full-time non-tenure-track faculty holding Associate Professor/Associate Lecturer or Professor/Senior Lecturer ranks.
Quorum 鈥 A simple majority of those eligible to vote.
RCFAC 鈥 The Regional Campuses鈥 Faculty Advisory Committee is composed of the Faculty Chairs from all Regional Campuses.
Regional Campuses System 鈥 性福五月天 University at Ashtabula, 性福五月天 University at East Liverpool, 性福五月天 University at Geauga, 性福五月天 University at Salem, 性福五月天 University at Stark, 性福五月天 University at Trumbull, and 性福五月天 University at Tuscarawas.
RTP 鈥 The reappointment, tenure, and promotion processes.
SAC 鈥 The Student Affairs Committee is a standing committee at the Tuscarawas Campus.
Senior Faculty 鈥 All tenured Associate and Full Professors.
Standing Faculty Committees 鈥 The Campus鈥 Standing Faculty Committees are comprised solely of faculty members; however, University administrators may be invited to attend and/or serve as ex-officio, non-voting members of these committees.
Task Force 鈥 Established by the Campus Dean and may include administrators, Faculty, and staff.
Term 鈥 The Fall or Spring semester or the Summer I, II or III session.
TT 鈥 All tenured and tenure-track Faculty.
UP 鈥 The University Policy Register.