Matters of Campus Governance and Related Procedures
Goals and Mission of the Campus
Goals of the Tuscarawas Gampus
The primary objectives of the Campus are to:
1. Create an academic environment that promotes the intellectual and professional development of students and faculty;
2. Develop and maintain a commitment to associate, baccalaureate and graduate education, scholarly activity in research and creative activity, commensurate with the goals and mission of 性福五月天 University;
3. Provide programs for all students that meet the educational and technological demands of the disciplines represented in the Campus;
4. Offer courses in cognate academic disciplines and professional fields that provide the necessary base for the career goals of students and faculty; and,
5. Provide the public with service commensurate with a University.
Implicit in these objectives is our responsibilities as teachers, which include but are not limited to educating undergraduate and graduate students and providing continuing education while promoting and clarifying the role and philosophy of education. A strong commitment to research and creative activity means creating and maintaining a significant intellectual environment and achieving our broader commitments to the advancement of knowledge and service to the public. Service to the University and to the general public unifies and clarifies the role of the University in the local community, in the State of Ohio, and in the nation, and is valued by the Campus and the University.
University Mission Statement
The mission of 性福五月天 University is to discover, create, apply and share knowledge, as well as to foster ethical and humanitarian values in the service of Ohio and the global community. As an eight-campus educational system, 性福五月天 offers a broad array of academic programs to engage students in diverse learning environments that educate them to think critically and to expand their intellectual horizons while attaining the knowledge and skills necessary for responsible citizenship and productive careers.
Regional Campus Mission Statement
The mission of the Regional Campuses System is to make the resources of 性福五月天 University accessible to the citizens of Northeast Ohio. The University鈥檚 regional campuses are also charged with the task of delivering a wide variety of area-specific technical education and training to the communities they serve. Finally, delivering programs and services that enhance business and employment opportunities in a time of economic transition is an integral part of the mission of the Regional Campus System. The regional campuses carry out this mission through the efforts of a faculty committed to the highest standards in scholarship, teaching, and university service/citizenship. Faculty members actively pursue a variety of creative endeavors, regularly contribute to the scholarship in their disciplines, take pride in their continuing pedagogical successes, and are recognized by the wider University community with teaching and professional development awards. Regional campus faculty members are visible citizens in the communities they serve, as well as at every level of University governance.
Regional campuses have an open enrollment policy and an expanding post-secondary enrollment option program. Many are 鈥渘ontraditional鈥 students: people returning to the classroom after having begun or raised a family; manufacturing and business workers in need of retraining in the face of economic change; bright, motivated young students earning college credit while still in high school. For the 鈥渢raditional鈥 student, the regional campuses offer the first and second years of coursework leading to the bachelor鈥檚 degree in more than 150 major fields.
Each of the regional campuses 鈥 Ashtabula, East Liverpool, Geauga, Salem, Stark, Trumbull, and Tuscarawas 鈥 is an integral part of the community it serves, whether through the promotion of fine arts and humanities, the extensive offering of continuing education courses and programs, the enhancement of primary and secondary education, the development of carefully-crafted associate鈥檚 degree programs, the offering of selected upper-division and graduate course work, a wide variety of partnerships with business and industry, the leadership in the development of distance learning technology, or as a first step 鈥 close to home 鈥 towards the goal of a four-year baccalaureate degree at 性福五月天 University. The Regional Campus System is itself an integral part of 性福五月天 University, advancing the mission of the University by delivering its programs and services throughout Northeast Ohio.
Tuscarawas Campus Mission Statement
The mission of 性福五月天 University at Tuscarawas is to provide local students access to a superior higher education experience and local residents access to a modern facility that can meet their various educational and cultural needs. Certificate, associate, bachelor鈥檚, and graduate degree programs are offered on a flexible schedule designed to meet student needs. Course delivery techniques include traditional, accelerated, web-based, distance-learning, evening, and summer programs. Public institutions and local businesses can train employees through standard and customized instructional programs, while individual residents can utilize campus offerings for personal fulfillment. 性福五月天 University at Tuscarawas offers the best of both worlds: the unlimited opportunities and accreditation of a large state university in the atmosphere of a small private college.
Structure and Organization of the Campus
The Tuscarawas Campus Dean is responsible for implementing policy and procedures in the day-to-day operations of the Campus.
Other administrative staff members include but are not limited to those positions listed on the campus organizational chart. (See Section V.)
The terms "Faculty", "members of the Faculty", and "Faculty members" used in this Handbook are defined as full-time faculty of academic rank who hold tenured or tenure-track appointments in the Regional Campuses System who, therefore, are members of the bargaining unit as defined in the current tenure-track Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). The terms 鈥渇aculty鈥, 鈥渕embers of the faculty鈥, and 鈥渇aculty members鈥 refer to all full-time faculty.
Faculty involvement in the governance of the University is undertaken through two (2) major groups. One is the Faculty Senate, a University-wide body of representatives elected from each academic unit (department, school, regional campus). The Faculty Senate operates primarily in making recommendations on the University鈥檚 academic and professional standards and University policy in specified areas.
The other major opportunities for faculty involvement in institutional governance are faculty advisory committees at each level of administrative authority: department/school/independent college, academic college, and Regional College. Regional campus faculty members are represented on each of these bodies.
The Tuscarawas Campus Faculty Council is comprised of eleven (11) members elected from the four Groups as described below in Section A. The Faculty Council Chair is elected for a one-year term and may serve consecutive terms. The Faculty Council also elects a Vice-Chair and a Secretary/Treasurer (see Section A below) on an annual basis. All Faculty are expected and all FTNTT are invited to participate in a variety of other standing and/or ad hoc committees, including search committees and those committees dealing with any administrative review of the Campus.
Faculty members report to the Tuscarawas Campus Dean and are directly accountable to the Dean in all matters except those pertaining to curriculum, the primary responsibility for which rests with the Kent Campus department/school/independent college or academic college.
The Tuscarawas County University Branch District Board of Trustees is appointed by the County Commissioners. The Board holds legal title to the Campus property and to the physical facilities, and contracts the operation of the facility to 性福五月天 University on a renewable basis.
Each career-oriented technical program at the Tuscarawas Campus has an advisory committee whose members provide curricular advice. Business and Community Services has a similar advisory board.
Finally, the Tuscarawas County University Foundation provides a mechanism for receiving community gifts to the Tuscarawas Campus. These funds are used to provide scholarships, student loans, and distinguished teaching awards as well as other needs of the Campus.
Faculty Council (FC)
All full-time faculty are eligible to be elected to the Faculty Council. Senior Faculty (defined as Associate or Full Professors with tenure) are members of Group 1, tenured Assistant Professors and tenure-track Faculty are members of Group 2, promoted non-tenure track faculty are members of Group 3, and Assistant Professor or Lecturer non-tenure track faculty are members of Group 4.
The FC will consist of eleven (11) members elected from the four Groups as follows: eight (8) members from Group 1, and one (1) member each from Groups 2, 3, and 4. The FC will be headed by three officers, the Chair, the Vice-Chair, and the Secretary/Treasurer, who will be elected by the incoming FC. The FC Chair shall be a Senior Faculty member. The Campus Dean is an ex-officio, non-voting member of the FC. The FC may delegate some of its duties to other Campus committees.
1. Monthly FC Meetings, open to all full-time faculty, will be held during the regular academic year as scheduled by the FC Vice-Chair in consultation with the Chair. Any non-FC members attending may not vote, but may speak if called upon. Additional meetings can be requested, subject to approval from the FC Chair. In the event of a denial, an appeal supported by a positive recommendation from three (3) of the FC members will be sufficient to grant the request. In order to conduct business at a meeting, a quorum must be present, as defined as 50% of the elected members of the FC.
2. In addition to the monthly FC Meetings, the FC Vice-Chair, in consultation with the Chair, will schedule a monthly Joint Faculty and Administration (JFA) Meeting. This meeting is where all faculty (including part-time faculty), administrators, and staff can have their voices heard by the FC, and where the FC can report and discuss their actions taken since the previous meeting.
3. Rules of Order for Meetings
Robert鈥檚 Rules of Order is the general guide for FC Meeting procedures unless suspended by a 2/3 majority of FC members present.
4. Elections
a. Eligible Members
- All full-time faculty members are eligible for election to the FC. No nominations are required.
- Any Group 1 or 2 member who has an approved leave for a semester of the upcoming academic year will be exempt from serving on the FC for that year. These members may however request to serve if they wish.
- Eligible faculty members who do not want to be on the FC for the upcoming academic year may petition the outgoing Chair, via written or electronic correspondence by a Chair set deadline, for removal from the ballot. The outgoing Chair will automatically grant such petitions unless it would create a significant hardship for the FC (e.g. Not enough Senior Faculty to form an ad-hoc RTP Committee or no FTNTT members as required by the TT-CBA). In that event, the outgoing FC will meet to determine the best course of action for the faculty members requesting exemption and the FC.
b. Member Terms
- FC members will be elected for a term of one (1) year. FC Officers will be elected by the FC members for a term of one (1) year.
- No FC member may serve for more than three (3) consecutive years. However, a member must stand for reelection for each year of desired service.
c. Election Process
- The FC Vice-Chair will distribute paper ballots to each member of the full-time faculty annually no later than one (1) month before the April Faculty Council Meeting. Names that will appear on the ballot will be determined in consultation with the FC Chair.
- Ballot Structure.
- There will be one combined ballot for Groups 1 and 2, and one combined ballot for Groups 3 and 4. Each ballot will list the names of all eligible members minus the names of exempt faculty members as defined in Sections 4.a.ii, 4.a.iii, and 4.b.ii above.
- The names of the current FC members shall be marked as such on each ballot.
- Only members of Groups 1 and 2 may vote for Groups 1 and 2 candidates. Only members of Groups 3 and 4 may vote for Groups 3 and 4 candidates.
- Each voting member shall mark their ballot as follows:
a. Groups 1 and 2 Ballots:
Voting members may vote for up to nine (9) total members, but no more than eight (8) in Group 1, and no more than one (1) from Group 2.
b. Groups 3 and 4 Ballots:
Voting members shall vote for one (1) member each from Groups 3 and 4.
- Ballots shall be returned to the FC Vice-Chair in a signed and sealed envelope by an assigned due date. Ballots returned in unsigned envelopes or mismarked ballots (e.g. those with more than the allowed number of choices marked) will be disqualified. The FC may vote in the future to conduct these elections electronically.
- Three (3) members of the Faculty Affairs Committee (appointed by the Chair of the Faculty Affairs Committee) will be responsible for opening and counting the ballots.
- The Group members with the most votes will be elected to the incoming FC. In the event that there is a tie for an FC position, the winner(s) will be chosen in a blind random drawing (e.g. pulling names out of a box) of the tied faculty members.
- The outgoing FC Chair shall convene a meeting of the incoming FC to hold an election from within the incoming FC for the new FC officers. Only incoming FC members will be allowed to vote for the new officers. The newly elected FC Chair will notify the chair of the Faculty Affairs Committee of the election results. This meeting and the officer elections shall be completed prior to the April Faculty Council Meeting. The method of conducting the officer elections will be decided upon by the incoming FC members.
- The chair of the Faculty Affairs Committee shall notify all members of the faculty of the election results. The newly elected FC will assume their positions at the April Faculty Council Meeting.
- In the event that one or more of the newly elected FC members is unable to assume their elected position, the Group member(s) with the next highest number of votes will be elected in their place, subject, if necessary, to the same blind random drawing.
FC Officers and Duties
- Faculty Council Chair
- Calls, presides at, and sets detailed agendas for regular and special meetings of the FC. Agendas containing items that require special attention or immediate action will be distributed at least a week before the meeting.
b. Represents the Tuscarawas Campus on the Regional Campuses Faculty Advisory Council (RCFAC) and attends regular (monthly) meetings of this body at the Kent Campus or other locations.
c. Sets agendas, calls and presides over meetings of the chair鈥檚 cabinet (all FC officers and standing committee chairs).
d. Attends and is a member of the Dean鈥檚 Cabinet if the FC Vice-Chair does not perform this duty.
e. Summer--Recommends faculty offices (using approved guidelines, See Section V: OFFICE ASSIGNMENTS) for the subsequent academic year.
f. Fall--Appoints membership and chairpersons for the six (6) standing committees of the FC (serving as an ex-officio member of each committee), and convenes and chairs meetings of the Reappointment, Tenure, and Promotion (RTP) Committee.
g. Spring
i. Convenes and chairs meetings of the RTP Committee as needed.
ii. Presents the DTA award to the current recipient if the previous award recipient is unavailable. (See Section V: DISTINGUISHED TEACHING AWARDS)
iii. Presents the academic awards at the annual Spring Awards Ceremony.
h. As Needed:
i. Assigns new issues to the appropriate committees and monitors progress made.
ii. Represents the Campus on various committees.
iii. Represents the Campus and faculty when needed (welcoming visitors, dignitaries, speakers, etc.).
iv. Serves as liaison to the Campus Dean for the faculty.
i. Convenes the Faculty to provide recommendations to the Campus Dean regarding distribution of Faculty Excellence Awards, Faculty Professional Development Award proposals, and other matter as required. A Faculty Professional Improvement Leave (FPIL) Committee consisting of all tenured Faculty of the FC will be convened as necessary to advise on leave proposals.
j. In the event that a majority of the FC votes for recall of the FC Chair, the Chair will step down, and the Vice-Chair will conduct an emergency election.
2. Faculty Council Vice-Chair
- Assumes the duties of the Chair as delegated by the Faculty Chair.
- Attends and is a member of the Dean鈥檚 Cabinet if the FC Chair does not perform this duty.
- Prepares FC meeting announcements with detailed agendas after consulting with the Chair.
- In consultation with the Faculty Chair sets dates, times, and rooms for the FC and JFA meetings and informs all faculty of the meeting times.
- Conducts the annual election of FC officers.
- Chairs the Morale and Recreation Committee.
g. In the event that a majority of the FC votes for recall of the FC Vice-Chair, the Vice-Chair will step down, and the Chair will conduct an emergency election.
3. Faculty Council Secretary/Treasurer
a. Assumes the duties of the Vice-Chair as delegated by the Faculty Chair.
b. Records the attendance and proceedings at FC meetings and files the meeting minutes electronically through the Faculty Council webpage.
c. Includes copies of documents passed at those proceedings as addenda to FC minutes.
d. Circulates meeting minutes/records to all faculty.
e. Collects, records, deposits, and disburses any monies accruing to the FC, in collaboration with the Business Manager and subject to the audit policies of 性福五月天 University.
f. In the event that a majority of the FC votes for recall of the FC Secretary/Treasurer, the Secretary/Treasurer will step down, and the Vice-Chair will conduct an emergency election.
- Faculty Council Chair
1. Definitions:
a. Standing Faculty Committees are ongoing and will consist of faculty members only.
b. Faculty Ad hoc Committees are time-limited and are appointed by the Faculty Chair or the Chair of a Standing Committee (in consultation with the Chair) and will consist only of faculty members.
c. Campus Committees (such as the Safety Committee) may consist of administrators, faculty, and staff who meet on a continuing basis. Campus committees are appointed and charged by the Campus Dean.
d. Task Forces (such as the New Programs Task Force) are time-limited and may include administrators, faculty, and staff. Task Forces are appointed and charged by the Campus Dean.
2. Committee Assignments
All Faculty are expected and all FTNTT faculty are invited to contribute to the campus community by serving on committees, including FC standing committees, search committees, and task forces when called upon. Both the Dean and the Chair of Faculty Council should carefully consider each faculty member鈥檚 workload and other committee assignments, including membership on department and University committees, before making assignments.
If a Faculty ad hoc committee convenes for more than two (2) years, Faculty Council may recommend establishing it as a standing faculty committee. The Tuscarawas Campus recognizes the following standing committees:
* Faculty Affairs
* Student Affairs
* Academic Affairs
* Academic Learning Commons
* Electronic Communications
* Community Engagement
a. After soliciting individual faculty preferences, the Chair of the Faculty Council shall select the members of each standing committee for a one-year term.
b. Topics for committee activity may be suggested by any member of the Faculty Council or developed through consultation with the Campus Dean, and may be made to either the chair of the appropriate standing committee or to the Chair of the Faculty Council, who will then assign the activity.
c. A committee chair shall be selected from within the committee by the Chair of the Faculty Council for a one-year term. The committee chair is responsible for conducting meetings at least once per semester, at a time convenient for its members, and for reporting committee progress at both the Faculty Chair鈥檚 Cabinet and Faculty Council.
d. Administrators may be invited to attend and/or serve as ex-officio, non-voting members of standing committee meetings.
e. The proceedings of any committee, as well as any proposed resolutions, should be reported by the chair of that committee to the Faculty Council at its next regularly scheduled meeting.
- Appointment to search committees will be determined by the Campus Dean in consultation with the Faculty Council.
- All materials that must be vetted and/or voted on by a standing committee before being presented to Faculty Council must be submitted to the appropriate committee at least three (3) weeks prior to the Faculty Council meeting.
3. Standing Committees
Standing committee charges are assigned by the Faculty Council Chair in consultation with the Campus Dean. The Tuscarawas Campus recognizes six standing committees:
a. Faculty Affairs
b. Student Affairs
c. Academic Affairs
d. Academic Learning Commons
e. Electronic Communications
f. Community Engagement
- Faculty Ad Hoc Committees
- Faculty Professional Improvement Leave (FPIL) Committee: The FPIL Committee is comprised of all tenured Faculty members of the FC and advises the Campus Dean of FPIL proposals.
- Reappointment, Tenure and Promotion (RTP) Committee: The campus Reappointment, Tenure, and Promotion Committee consists of all tenured Faculty of the Tuscarawas Campus Faculty Council and all full Professors. If the TT Faculty Mentor Coordinator is not a member of the FC, then the TT Faculty Mentor Coordinator will be an ex-officio member of the RTP Committee.
- FTNTT Reappointment Committee: The FTNTT Reappointment Committee will be comprised of the RTP Committee and should include two promoted FTNTT faculty. The promoted FTNTT faculty member elected to Faculty Council will be one of the representatives and a second promoted FTNTT representative will be chosen by FTNTT faculty on an annual basis, with an attempt to rotate among all promoted FTNTT faculty. Any promoted FTNTT faculty that chooses not to serve in a given year can remove their name from consideration. If the FTNTT Faculty Mentor Coordinator is not a member of the FC and is not elected to serve on the committee, then the FTNTT Faculty Mentor Coordinator will be an ex-officio member of the FTNTT Reappointment Committee.
- Faculty Professional Development Release Time Committee: All tenured and tenure-track Faculty who are not applying for workload equivalency will review the proposals. The FC Chair will chair this committee. In the event that the Faculty Chair has submitted a proposal, a senior Faculty member shall be chosen by the FC to assume this responsibility. See Section III.G.4 for more information.
- Faculty Excellence Award (Merit) Committee: The Faculty Excellence Award Committee (FEA) will consist of all tenured and tenure-track faculty who have submitted a dossier for merit.
- Morale and Recreation Committee: The Morale and Recreation Committee is chaired by the Vice-Chair of Faculty Council and comprised of volunteers from the campus community. The Campus Dean will appoint the members of the committee from the list of volunteers and supplement with additional appointments, if necessary, to ensure appropriate representation.
Faculty Grievance and Appeal Procedures
Informal Procedure
Before initiating a formal grievance or appeal the faculty member should speak with the Campus Dean about issue(s) of concern. The Dean may seek the advice and recommendation of individual faculty members or faculty advisory groups in seeking informal resolution of a dispute or complaint.
Formal Procedure
Formal procedures for addressing grievances affecting the terms and conditions of employment of faculty are described in the applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement. Disputes involving substantive academic judgments are subject to a separate academic appeals process governed by the applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Handbook Modification, Amendment and Revision
The implementation, modification, amendment and revision of this Handbook are governed by the applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement. The Handbook shall be developed by the campus faculty and the Campus Dean subject to final approval by the Provost. The Provost shall consult with the KSU at Tuscarawas Faculty Council before making final determination on any provision in dispute.
The Campus faculty and Campus Dean will review and update this Handbook, as needed, but at least every three (3) years. A full review and revision of this Handbook will be completed by the Faculty Affairs Committee and presented to the entire faculty for a vote as soon as possible following the ratification and implementation of a new CBA. Any changes to the FC membership or procedures will be voted on by all eligible faculty as specified in the TT CBA.
Suggestions for modifications or amendments to the Handbook may be initiated at any time by the FC Chair, any faculty member or the Campus Dean. In reviewing the Handbook the Campus Dean may request revisions before lending final approval. If any new Handbook or proposed revision is rejected by the Campus Dean, he/she shall provide the faculty with a substantive response including acceptable alternative wording. When the Campus Dean concurs with a proposed modification, amendment or revision to the Handbook, he/she will recommend the change(s) to the Provost for final approval.
Roles of Regional Campus Faculty in Regional Campuses and Kent Campus Governance
All faculty at the Tuscarawas Campus are also regular members of their respective academic units (departments/schools/independent colleges), and their academic colleges, as applicable and they share full faculty rights and responsibilities at the Kent Campus and in the Regional Campuses.
Tuscarawas Campus faculty are represented on key academic unit and/or academic college committees, which include academic unit Faculty Advisory Committees; college Curriculum Committees; Search Committees; Review Committees; Promotion and Tenure Committees; Reappointment Committees; and committees considering curriculum, academic unit or academic college policy, instructional standards, and program development.
Tuscarawas Campus faculty members hold rank within their respective academic units and are therefore reviewed by their unit colleagues for reappointment, tenure, and promotion. However, when a Tuscarawas Campus Faculty member is awarded tenure, tenure is awarded in the Regional Campuses System only.
Regional Campus faculty members also provide valuable contributions to the governance of the Regional Campuses System. This occurs primarily through the Regional Campuses Faculty Advisory Committee (RCFAC), composed of the Faculty Chairs from each Regional Campus. This Faculty governance body acts as an advisory and recommendatory committee to the Provost on Regional Campus issues.