What To Do If You Are Dismissed From the University
I've been dismissed from the University, what do I need to do?
Dismissal Checklist
We understand this is a difficult time and there are many details that must be considered if you have been dismissed. Please see the checklist below to help you promptly take care of these items.
Can I appeal the dismissal?
Appealing the Dismissal
If you have been dismissed, you have the right to appeal the decision. Below are items for consideration when you are trying to determine if you should appeal.
- Were there recent circumstances beyond your control? Things such as personal illness/injury, critical family illness, or something else that was severe enough to affect your grades.
- Were you doing well in your classes prior to these circumstances?
- Why weren’t you able to withdraw from classes or work with your instructors?
How do I appeal?
I want to submit an appeal- how do I do it?
If you would like to appeal the dismissal, below are the steps and deadlines you need to meet:
- Visit the website for detailed information on what must be included in your appeal. Please make sure to read and address all five items required.
- An explanation of the extenuating circumstances, such as personal illness/injury, critical family illness or other situations of sufficient severity that they may have adversely affected academic performance. These circumstances must be documented by providing physician statements or other appropriate official documents.
- Proof of consistent satisfactory academic performance prior to the occurrence of the circumstances believed to be the cause of the dismissal. These efforts must be documented by course instructors, and their statements must be submitted on university letterhead or sent from each instructor’s ÐÔ¸£ÎåÔÂÌì e-mail address. If errors have occurred for one or more reported grades, the course instructor must verify that a grade change has been submitted.
- An explanation of why actions such as course withdrawal, complete term withdrawal, request for an incomplete grade, etc., was not taken before the end of the semester.
- A detailed plan of action for achieving academic success for any future enrollment at ÐÔ¸£ÎåÔÂÌì University.
- Your full name, ÐÔ¸£ÎåÔÂÌì ID number, current and permanent mailing addresses, current and permanent telephone numbers and ÐÔ¸£ÎåÔÂÌì e-mail address.
- Submit by the deadline listed in your dismissal email. This is 10 calendar days AFTER final grades have posted on your transcript.
Term Grades Posted Your Deadline to Appeal Fall 2024 December 19, 2024 Friday, January 6, 2025 at 5:00pm
(The deadline for students to submit an appeal, per catalog policy, is 10 calendar days after final grades are posted. The deadline is extended for this term to accommodate for the University closure. The deadline will be Monday, January 6th at 5:00 p.m.)
Spring 2024 May 16, 2024 Tuesday, May 28, 2024 at 5:00pm - Submit your appeal via email (from your kent.edu email only), or in writing, to the College/Campus you were dismissed from. How do you know who that is?
- It is the college/campus listed in your dismissal email.
- Check in FlashLine under your student information. (Student/Profile/Show Detail)
Who do I contact for the appeal or if I have questions?
Who do I contact for the appeal or if I have questions?
If you have questions, need assistance evaluating your options, or wish to submit an appeal, contact your college/campus advising office.
How do I know who that is?
- It is the college/campus listed in your dismissal email.
- Check FlashLine under your student information. (Student/Profile/Show Detail)
Click below for their information.
When I am able to return, what are some resources to help me be successful?
Kent has many resources to help you be successful. Below are just a few of the policies and programs that may help you when you return to classes to help rebuild your GPA. Talk to your advisor to find out more information and see which ones might work best for you.
- - which allows you to remove a limited number of grades that you may not need for your major.
- - you can retake any undergraduate course and the highest grade will be counted and the lower ones removed.
- Academic Success Center – The ASC has both (free!) tutoring and (free!) academic coaching.
If I don’t appeal, can I come back to the University? When? (reinstatement)
If I don’t appeal, can I come back to the University? When? (reinstatement)
Yes! All students can apply to return to the university, referred to as reinstatement, after being away for a full 12 months.
We encourage you to work with your academic advisor to discuss how best to use this year off. This may include attending classes at a community college or other higher education institution or simply taking time to refocus. You were admitted to the university because we believe you could be successful. We think with some time to regroup you still can be.
For more detailed information, please visit the page in the catalog.
Dismissal Contacts
Dismissal Contacts - Kent Campus
Dismissal Contacts for Kent campus
College Advising Offices - Kent Campus
College of Architecture & Environmental Design Corey Piazza 330-672-8389 cpiazza@kent.edu College of Aeronautics and Engineering Lawrence Epps 330-672-9989 College of Applied & Technical Studies Laurie Donley 330-308-7425 ldonley@kent.edu College of the Arts Benjamin Stenson
Director of Academic Advising
330-672-4640 College of Arts and Sciences Mandy Anderson
Senior Academic Program Director330-672-2062 maander1@kent.edu Ambassador Crawford College of Business and Entrepreneurship Alex Moore
Director of Academic Advising330-672-2872 awmoore@kent.edu College of Communication and Information Matt Rollyson
Assistant Dean330-672-2950 mrollyso@kent.edu College of Education, Health, and Human Services Kathy Zarges
Assistant Dean330-672-2862 kmzarges@kent.edu Exploratory Advising Center- University College Jordan Edelman 330-672- 3676 jedelma1@kent.edu College of Nursing Curtis Good
Assistant Dean330-672-8769 cjgood@kent.edu College of Public Health Jennifer Miller
Assistant Dean330-672-6245 jlnoble@kent.edu -
Dismissal Contacts - Regional Campus
Dismissal Contacts for Regional Campuses
Regional Campus Advising Offices
Ashtabula Campus Adil Wadia
Academic Vice Dean330-675-8822 awadia@kent.edu East Liverpool Campus Shelly Weekley
Director, Enrollment Management and Student Services330-382-7415 mweekley@kent.edu Geauga/Twinsburg Campuses Nicolette Fenlock
Director, Enrollment Management and Student Support Services440-834-3730 nmhall@kent.edu Salem Campus Shelly Weekley
Director, Enrollment Management and Student Services330-382-7415 mweekley@kent.edu Stark Campus Kathy Spicer
Director, Regional Campus Operations330-244-5098 kspicer@kent.edu Trumbull Campus Alison Hoskinson, Director 1, Enrollment Management and Student Services 330-675- 8966 afrost@kent.edu Tuscarawas Campus Laurie Donley
Director, Enrollment Management and Student Services330-308-7425 ldonley@kent.edu