
Siteimprove Web Monitoring

Siteimprove provides the functionality to monitor broken links, misspellings and more for your kent.edu site to keep it free from embarrassing errors.

Set aside working time and use Siteimprove's Quality Assurance tool to:

  • Locate and fix broken links
  • Locate and correct misspelled words
  • Locate phone numbers and email addresses to ensure contact information is correct and up-to-date
  • Ensure that your site is adhering to university style
  • Test your site to ensure that it's in line with accessibility standards
  • Get a complete inventory of your website so you know exactly which email addresses, phone numbers, documents, media files, etc. are on your site
  • Tackle editor accessibility issues


Get Started


Need More Guidance? 

  1. Siteimprove offers a on how to use the tool to monitor your sites quality assurance, accessibility and search engine optimization efforts.  
  2. UCM's web team will be offering a web best practices session with a SiteImprove segment. See our training site.