Campus Sustainability Month 2022
ÐÔ¸£ÎåÔÂÌì University is proud to participate in throughout October. This annual event, hosted by the (AASHE), celebrates higher education sustainability achievements while raising awareness of the value of sustainability in higher education. During Campus Sustainability Month, institutions around the world engage and inspire incoming students and other campus stakeholders to become leaders for sustainability and celebrate successes.
We hope you will join as we celebrate our sustainability successes during #CampusSustainabilityMonth and throughout the rest of the year!
Join us for a celebration of Campus Sustainability Month events at ÐÔ¸£ÎåÔÂÌì University! With your ideas, support and involvement, campus sustainability advancements will continue throughout the year! We are hosting or are promoting the sustainability-related events occurring during October at ÐÔ¸£ÎåÔÂÌì University listed below.
2022 ÐÔ¸£ÎåÔÂÌì University Campus Sustainability Month Sustainability-Related Events
- National Solar Tour October 1-2
- ÐÔ¸£ÎåÔÂÌì Solar and Sustainability Teach-In September 30
- ÐÔ¸£ÎåÔÂÌì Electric Vehicle Education Event October 2
- ÐÔ¸£ÎåÔÂÌì Field House Solar Tour Site October 2
- Bra Recycling Drive
- Project Green Challenge
- Bowman Cup 5k Walk/Run October 1
- Energy Efficiency Day October 5
- Meditation in the Wild Workshop October 6
- Construction Management Career Fair October 7
- Day Hike at Fort Hill Earth Works October 8
- Community Engaged Learning Alternative Fall Break October 13-15
- Global Climate Change Week October 12-18
- Environmental Science and Design Research Institute Workshop October 18
- Market Stanzas October 22
- Community Engaged Learning Make a Difference Day October 22
- ÐÔ¸£ÎåÔÂÌì Farmers' Market October 25
- Health and Wellness Exploration Fair October 26
- AASHE’s Global Conference on Sustainability in Higher Education (GCSHE) October 18, 26, November 3
- National Prescription Drug Take Back Day October 29
- Recreation and Wellness Services events
- ÐÔ¸£ÎåÔÂÌì of Well-being free online meditation
Sustainability Conferences/ Related Events
National Solar Tour
ÐÔ¸£ÎåÔÂÌì is part of the and part of the ASES local "ÐÔ¸£ÎåÔÂÌì University Solar and Sustainability Tour" and the tour on October 1-2, 2022. Seven ÐÔ¸£ÎåÔÂÌì sites are part of the ASES National VIRTUAL Solar Tour. and one ÐÔ¸£ÎåÔÂÌì site is part of in-person tours.
ÐÔ¸£ÎåÔÂÌì University Solar and Sustainability Teach-In Event
Friday September 30, 2022 at 9:00am
DI Hub Auditorium 219
Join us for a Campus Sustainability Month and National Solar Tour Teach-In! Speakers will highlight the solar and electric vehicle industry, the renewable energy and energy efficiency initiatives ÐÔ¸£ÎåÔÂÌì has implemented, and share where ÐÔ¸£ÎåÔÂÌì is headed in the future with the Campus Sustainability Plan. A question and answer session with participants will follow speakers’ presentations.
Dr. Joe Ortiz, Department of Earth Sciences Professor
Bob Misbrener, Office of the University Architect Project Manager II
Melanie Knowles, Sustainability Manager
Moderated by Dr. Cameron Lee, Department of Geography Assistant Professor
ÐÔ¸£ÎåÔÂÌì University Electric Vehicle Education Event
Sunday October 2, 2022 from 2:00-4:00pm
Field House Parking lot at 2227 Summit Street; Kent, Ohio
Learn about electric vehicle awareness, education, and use at this ÐÔ¸£ÎåÔÂÌì University event! Drivers from Clean Fuels Ohio in NE Ohio and Kent will share information about their Electric Vehicles.
ÐÔ¸£ÎåÔÂÌì University Field House 463 KWDC Solar Array 2022 National Solar Tour Site
Sunday October 2, 2022 from 2:00-4:00pm
Field House Parking lot at 2227 Summit Street; Kent, Ohio
NOTE: We regret that roof access will not be possible for th is tour- however the array is visible from the ground.
10th Annual Bra Recycling Drive
ÐÔ¸£ÎåÔÂÌì University’s Office of Sustainability, the Women’s Center, and Human Resources Employee Wellness and Health Promotion are hosting a bra recycling drive from October 3 through October 28, to collect reusable or worn-out bras and reduce the number of textiles in landfills. Bras that are in good condition will be donated to the Phyllis Zumkehr County Clothing Center, and worn-out bras will be recycled.
Project Green Challenge
Starting on October 1, Project Green Challenge will inform, inspire and mobilize high school, college, and grad students worldwide around climate action, public health, sustainability, social justice and advocacy. This powerful and diverse call to action features 30 days of environmentally–themed challenges to touch lives, shift mindsets, and equip students with knowledge, resources and mentorship to lead change on campuses and in communities.
Through conscious living, informed consumption, and individual and collective action, Project Green Challenge (PGC) participants are challenged to envision and work toward the healthy, just, resilient future they want to thrive in.
Each day during the month of October, a uniquely themed challenge will be delivered to registered participants by email at 6 am Pacific Time. Each challenge will be live for 24 hours, inviting students to complete actions, upload deliverables, acquire points and heal the planet. Deliverables include photos, videos, creative artwork and written content uploaded to the PGC site and across Turning Green social platforms. Thoughtfully curated, theme-related prize packages will be awarded daily for outstanding submissions.
Energy Efficiency Day
October 5, 2022, is Energy Efficiency Day, but efficiency is year-round. On October 5, 2022, a growing network of advocates, companies, government agencies, utilities and others will showcase the benefits of energy efficiency during the 7th annual nationwide Energy Efficiency Day. Look for #EEDay2021 and #EnergyEfficiency on social media.
Oct. 6 Meditation in the Wild Virtual Workshop
Learn skills to practice when you start to feel sad, stressed, or overwhelmed. Open to students from all campuses. Registration required.\
Oct. 7 Construction Management Career Fair
The College of Architecture and Environmental Design Construction Management Career Fair is an event for students interested in connecting with the construction industry for full-time employment and internship opportunities.
Oct. 8 Day Hike at Fort Hill Earthworks Trail
Join the Adventure Center staff on a beautifully relaxing hiking through the Fort Hill Earthworks Trail. There are beautiful views of the forest, creek beds and rivers, and possibly some wildlife like turtles and birds! This is a 4.6 mile hike on their loop trail. Cost: $10
Oct. 12-18
Global Climate Change Week is a platform supporting academic communities to engage in climate change actions and solutions.
Oct. 16
The food you choose and the way you consume it affect our health and that of our planet. It has an impact on the way agri-food systems work. So you need to be part of the change.
Oct. 18 ESDRI WORKSHOP: Getting published in environmental science and design
Curious about how to get your work published? Maybe this is all new to you? Come for an overview of the publishing process, followed by a Q&A portion for your specific questions. Hosted by ESDRI Co-Directors -- who are two tenured, active faculty -- this event is open to the public.
Oct. 22 Market Stanzas
Market Stanzas is a community arts project created by the Wick Poetry Center at ÐÔ¸£ÎåÔÂÌì University in partnership with Haymaker Farmers’ Market in celebration of their 30th anniversary. Community members can share memories about the market to add to a growing community poem.
Oct. 22 Community Engaged Learning Make a Difference Day
Make a Difference Day is the most encompassing national day of helping others, as millions of Americans rally in a single day of action to help change the world. Make a Difference Day will take place at ÐÔ¸£ÎåÔÂÌì on Saturday, October 23, 2021.
A number of opportunities will be available for ÐÔ¸£ÎåÔÂÌì community members to make an impact. Please check back later for information about specific projects and service sites and registration. Questions? E-mail
Oct. 26 Health and Wellness Exploration Fair
The Health and Wellness Exploration Fair is a career fair to connect students interested in careers in the medical, health, and wellness fields. Come learn about possible job opportunities, internships, and career routes. All students are welcome to the event! Pre-Registration is optional.
Oct. 29
10 a.m. - 2 p.m
The National Prescription Drug Take Back Day aims to provide a safe, convenient, and responsible means of disposing of prescription drugs, while also educating the general public about the potential for abuse of medications.
ÐÔ¸£ÎåÔÂÌì & City of Kent Year-Round Drop-Off Locations
ÐÔ¸£ÎåÔÂÌì University
Stockdale Building metal drop-off box located outside
530 E Summit St Kent OH 44240
Phone: 330-672-3111
Kent Police Department
metal drop-off box outside in parking lot
319 S Water St Kent OH 44240
Phone: 330-673-7732
ÐÔ¸£ÎåÔÂÌì of Well-being Free Online Meditation
Are you feeling stressed out from all the recent adjustments you’ve had to make this semester? Is news about the coronavirus pandemic leaving you anxious?
ÐÔ¸£ÎåÔÂÌì of Well-being, ÐÔ¸£ÎåÔÂÌì University’s healthy campus initiative, is hosting free facilitated online meditation sessions. Meditation sessions last 30 minutes and are open to all members of the ÐÔ¸£ÎåÔÂÌì community. There is no obligation to attend. You can choose when you decide to participate.