News & Events

The May 4th Legacy Scholarship Program was established by ÐÔ¸£ÎåÔÂÌì University in 2020, and provides four scholarships to be given to students majoring in our Peace and Conflict Studies program. Each scholarship bears the name of one of the students killed (Allison Krause,…

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"" by Sara Koopman and Laine Seliga has just been published by…
Professor Landon Hancock was recently awarded a prestigious for Tenured International Relations Scholars from the…
SPCS is delighted to announce that Dr. Ashley Nickels, Associate Professor in the School of Peace and Conflict Studies, was awarded a prestigious from the…


In honor of the 50th anniversary of the creation of the Center for Peaceful Change (from which our current school evolved), the School of Peace and Conflict Studies at ÐÔ¸£ÎåÔÂÌì University has teamed up with PeaceJam Great Lakes to host the Spring 2021 PeaceJam conference.…
The School of Peace and Conflict Studies at ÐÔ¸£ÎåÔÂÌì University is sponsoring a series of talks on Society, Technology, Peace and Security. The first two presentations are scheduled for March 2021 as follows:
On Tuesday, March 16, 2021 at 2:15 pm,…
Celebrating International Women's Day