Course Attributes
Course attributes designate specific courses that are approved to fulfill an undergraduate university requirement (e.g., Kent Core, diversity) or state-wide transfer initiative (e.g., Transfer Assurance Guides). Course attributes are displayed in the University Catalog and Schedule of Classes.
性福五月天 Undergraduate University Requirements and their Banner codes are listed below:
- Diversity Domestic (DIVD)
- Diversity Global (DIVG)
- Experiential Learning Requirement (ELR)
- Kent Core Additional (KADL)
- Kent Core Basic Sciences (KBS)
- Kent Core Basic Sciences Lab (KLAB)
- Kent Core Composition (KCMP)
- Kent Core Fine Arts (KFA)
- Kent Core Humanities (KHUM)
- Kent Core Mathematics and Critical Reasoning (KMCR)
- Kent Core Social Sciences (KSS)
- Writing Intensive Course (WIC)
State-Wide Transfer Initiatives and their Banner codes are listed below:
- CTAG Air Transportation (CTAIR)
- CTAG Construction Technology (CTCN)
- CTAG Criminal Justice (CTCJ)
- CTAG Culinary and Food Service (CTCF)
- CTAG Education (CTED)
- CTAG Electrical Engineer Technology (CTEE)
- CTAG Entrepreneurship (CTEN)
- CTAG Exercise Science (CTES)
- CTAG Health Information (CTHI)
- CTAG Information Technology (CTIT)
- CTAG Interactive Media (CTIM)
- CTAG Mechanical Engineering Technology (CTME)
- CTAG Media Arts (CTMA)
- CTAG Medical Terminology (CTMT)
- CTAG Nursing/Associate Degree (CTAD)
- CTAG Performing Arts (CTPA)
- CTAG Programming (CTPR)
- CTAG Renewable Energy (CTRE)
- CTAG Supply Chain Management (CTSC)
- CTAG Visual Design and Imaging (CTVD)
- TAG Arts and Humanities (OAH)
- TAG Business (OBU)
- TAG Communication (OCM)
- TAG Education (OED)
- TAG Engineering (OES)
- TAG Engineering Technology (OET)
- TAG Foreign Language (OFL)
- TAG Health (OHL)
- TAG History (OHS)
- TAG Mathematics (OMT)
- TAG Renewable Energy (ORE)
- TAG Science (OSC)
- TAG Social and Behavioral Sciences (OSS)
- Transfer Module Composition (TCMP)
- Transfer Module Fine Arts (TFA)
- Transfer Module Humanities (THUM)
- Transfer Module Mathematics (TMTH)
- Transfer Module Natural Sciences (TNS)
- Transfer Module Social Sciences (TSS)