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Internal Consulting: Building Your Consultative Skills

In this program, participants explore the many dimensions of the effective internal consultant. In the role of internal consultant you spend a lot of time with people - understanding their problems, reviewing alternatives, persuading them to take ownership, establishing contracts or agreements, making proposals and asking people to commit to action. To be successful, your technical and business skills must be backed up with sound communication skills and the ability to interact with all levels of your organization.

Participants will learn how to develop and use the interpersonal skills necessary to build and maintain relationships throughout the consulting process. They will apply consulting skills, particularly influencing and problem-solving skills and accurately diagnose the needs of the client organization. The participants will be able to use consulting frameworks, tools and techniques to diagnose issues and develop solutions that the clients ‘own,’ and operate with increased confidence and professionalism to achieve business outcome.

  • Introduction to Consulting
  • Five-step Consulting Process
  • Entry and Contracting
  • Information Gathering and Diagnosis
  • Presenting Feedback and the Decision to Act
  • Managing Delivery
  • Evaluating Results, Termination or Extension
  • Action Planning

This 16-hour program is targeted for those who serve as internal coaches.

We can tailor this program and deliver it on-site for your employees and leaders.

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Amy Shannon Amy Shannon

Amy B. Shannon has specialized in Organizational Development, Human Resources and Training for over 19 years. Shannon is an Organizational Development consultant working with clients in manufacturing, service, financial and healthcare industries.

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"Amy was very captivating. Kept my attention."

Lisa Wilson, Accounting Supervisor,
Superior Roll Forming