New Faculty Information
Academic Calender
Academic and Final Exam schedules; Upcoming campus events
Information on 性福五月天 cheating/plagiarism policy, Plagiarism School, and faculty resources
Academic Success Center
Comprehensive descriptions for free academic support services for undergraduate students such as TRIO, tutoring, and supplemental instruction
Blackboard Learn
Tutorials, training, course combine, and assistance; Blackboard Collaborate support
Campus Maps
Maps for each campus including academic and administrative building locations
Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL)
Information on events, educational resources, services, and programs
Disruptive Student Behavior
Link to student conduct code policy
Early Alert System
Instructions for faculty and staff to identify and communicate areas of academic concern for undergraduate students
Faculty Grades Processing FAQs
General information about processing and posting grades
Institutional Data for Grant Writing
Information and links to University data often required for grant proposals
The Kent Connection
Kent community resources for new faculty members
Reappointment, Tenure and Promotion
Faculty employment overview
Full-Time Non-Tenure Track Collective Bargaining Agreement
Full-Time Tenure Track Collective Bargaining Agreement
RTP: Spring Memo Preliminary Timetable
RTP: A Guide for Administrators, Faculty and Staff
FTNTT Faculty Third-Year Review and Annual Appointment
FT-NTT Faculty Promotion Guide
Faculty Professional Improvement Leaves AY
Farris Family Innovation Awards for Tenure-Track (not yet tenured) Faculty
Policy Register for RTP
Reappointment Guidelines
Student Accessibility Services (SAS)
Contact information for overview of university policy, programs, and services for students with disabilities
Statistical Consulting and Analysis
Research and Evaluation Bureau
Research and Evaluation Bureau Services for Education Health and Human Services (EHHS) Faculty and Graduate Students
Survey Research Laboratory, Department of Sociology & Criminology
Technology Support
Blackboard Learn Support
Information Technology
The Tech Spot (Personally Owned Devices)
University Research Council (URC)
Fact sheet outlining the role and mission of the URC and past award recipients
Writing Commons
Support for KSU students at all levels and in every academic discipline with any projects that include writing