
Understanding and Working with Difficult Children

Online Workshop:

Understanding and Working with Difficult Children

This workshop is designed to provide individuals who are working with children or plan on working with children, pertinent information regarding recognizing and understanding behavior problems in children. Not all children with behavior problems will display identical difficulties. Eclectic approaches are needed to address specific behavior issues. Workshop participants will be educated on the diversity of problems and children. Referrals and assessment needs will be discussed.

Required Textbook: Glasser, H. & Easley, J. Transforming the difficult child: The nurtured heart approach. (2016 revision). AZ: Nurtured Heart Publications, ISBN: 9780967050707

  • 1 undergraduate credit hour: CES 40093
  • 1 graduate credit hour: CES 50093

Dr. Sandra Miller-Jones, Instructor, LDES


For specific workshop dates, CRNs, and registration information, visit the main credit workshop page then click on the semester you are looking for.