ΠΤΈ£ΞεΤΒΜμ Hosts β€œExplore Kent Chemistry Day” for High School Juniors and Seniors, Feb. 6

The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry will host β€œExplore Kent Chemistry Day”, a visitation program for high school juniors and seniors interested in chemistry and biochemistry majors, at ΠΤΈ£ΞεΤΒΜμ on Saturday, February 6 from 10 am to 2 pm in Room 110, Williams Hall on the Kent Campus.

β€œExplore Kent Chemistry Day gives an excellent introduction to the chemistry and biochemistry programs at ΠΤΈ£ΞεΤΒΜμ University,” said Michael Tubergen, Ph.D., chair of ΠΤΈ£ΞεΤΒΜμ’s Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.

β€œHigh school students from across the region can learn a lot about career opportunities in chemistry and biochemistry at the event,” Tubergen said. β€œOur graduates are finding employment locally, regionally and nationally, and are entering highly ranked graduate programs. ΠΤΈ£ΞεΤΒΜμ’s biochemistry degree tracks provide excellent preparation for further training in medicine, pharmacy and other medical professions. We encourage everybody to come and learn more about chemistry at ΠΤΈ£ΞεΤΒΜμ.”

After meeting in the Williams Hall lobby, Chemistry & Biochemistry professors will describe the curriculum, job prospects, and research opportunities available to undergraduates.  Current students  in Chemistry & Biochemistry will describe college life from their point of view and conduct some exciting demonstrations. The department will demonstrate its 3D stereoprojection classrooms and provide a tour of the instructional and research laboratories.  The visit will conclude with an informal lunch, where prospective students will have opportunities to talk one-on-one with faculty and students.

The department offers degrees for those interested in analytical, industrial, inorganic, materials, organic, physical, and biochemistry as well as pre-medicine/pre-osteopathy/pre-dentistry and pre-pharmacy.

Optional campus tours will be offered starting at 9 am.  Students are encouraged to bring their parents and siblings. Current KSU students who are considering Chemistry & Biochemistry majors are also welcome.

To register for this event, please fill out the form at . For more information, contact Catherine Slapnicker at 330-672-2405 or cslapni1@kent.edu.College of Arts & Sciences

β€œExplore Kent Chemistry Day” will begin in the lobby area of Williams Hall, located at 1175 Risman Drive near East Summit Street. A map of the ΠΤΈ£ΞεΤΒΜμ campus is available online at www.kent.edu/maps.

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Kent Wired wrote an article covering this event on February 6, 2016.

Media Contact:
Michael Tubergen, mtuberge@kent.edu, 330-672-2032

POSTED: Thursday, January 28, 2016 10:55 AM
Updated: Thursday, December 8, 2022 04:06 PM
College of Arts and Sciences