Women's Center Ambassadors

Interested in getting involved with the Women's Center? 
Eager to join a community challenging gender equity?
Love our Feminist T-shirts and want one of your own? 

We know life gets busy and even if you want to be involved it can be hard to find the time. Being a Women's Center Ambassador lets you decide when you have time and how you'd like to connect. 

What we provide:

  • A monthly newsletter specifically for Ambassadors about upcoming events, opportunities to engage and information regarding issues impacting gender equity. 
  • One of our classic "Feminist" T-shirts of your own
  • Networking opportunities and connections with other Women's Center Ambassadors
  • Highlighting WC Ambassador of the Month and recognition on our website

What you provide:

  • Share information about the Women's Center, it's activities and opportunities with your communities 
  • Attend or participate in 2 Women's Center events or opportunities each semester
  • Wear your feminist t-shirt proudly!