Bequests provide a way to leave a legacy after your lifetime. You may also establish a trust or annuity that can provide income to you or a loved one while benefiting the university.
Leave a Lasting Legacy - Did you know you can leave a lasting legacy and make a profound impact at ÐÔ¸£ÎåÔÂÌì University or WSKU without opening your checkbook? A gift in your will or living trust, also called a bequest, or gifts through IRA rollovers and annuities, are effective and flexible ways to support the future of our students, faculty and programs.
These types of gifts are one of our most important sources of individual support. They provide many tax benefits for our generous donors, but more importantly, they fund critical areas including student scholarships and academic programs that enable our remarkable students to be prepared to make limitless, positive impacts in their regions, across the nation and around the globe.
Estate Gifts Can Come in Many Forms - Did you know that gifts via will or trust do not have to only be a specific cash amount? These gifts can also be in the form of a specific asset, stocks and bonds, real estate, a percentage or remainder of your estate or other effects.
Contact Us - ÐÔ¸£ÎåÔÂÌì University Foundation, 350 S. Lincoln Street, P.O. Box 5190, Kent, Ohio 44242-0001,, 330-672-2222 (phone), 330-672-3049 (fax)